Failure of Errorclasses ----------------------- Errorclasses (skips, deprecations, etc.) define whether or not they represent test failures. >>> import os >>> import sys >>> from nose.plugins.plugintest import run_buffered as run >>> from nose.plugins.skip import Skip >>> from nose.plugins.deprecated import Deprecated >>> support = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'support') >>> sys.path.insert(0, support) >>> from errorclass_failure_plugin import Todo, TodoPlugin, \ ... NonFailureTodoPlugin >>> todo_test = os.path.join(support, '') >>> misc_test = os.path.join(support, '') nose.plugins.errorclass.ErrorClass has an argument ``isfailure``. With a true isfailure, when the errorclass' exception is raised by a test, tracebacks are printed. >>> run(argv=["nosetests", "-v", "--with-todo", todo_test], ... plugins=[TodoPlugin()]) # doctest: +REPORT_NDIFF errorclass_failing_test.test_todo ... TODO: fix me errorclass_failing_test.test_2 ... ok ====================================================================== TODO: errorclass_failing_test.test_todo ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): ... Todo: fix me ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in ...s FAILED (TODO=1) Also, ``--stop`` stops the test run. >>> run(argv=["nosetests", "-v", "--with-todo", "--stop", todo_test], ... plugins=[TodoPlugin()]) # doctest: +REPORT_NDIFF errorclass_failing_test.test_todo ... TODO: fix me ====================================================================== TODO: errorclass_failing_test.test_todo ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): ... Todo: fix me ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in ...s FAILED (TODO=1) With a false .isfailure, errorclass exceptions raised by tests are treated as "ignored errors." For ignored errors, tracebacks are not printed, and the test run does not stop. >>> run(argv=["nosetests", "-v", "--with-non-failure-todo", "--stop", ... todo_test], ... plugins=[NonFailureTodoPlugin()]) # doctest: +REPORT_NDIFF errorclass_failing_test.test_todo ... TODO: fix me errorclass_failing_test.test_2 ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 2 tests in ...s OK (TODO=1) Exception detail strings of errorclass errors are always printed when -v is in effect, regardless of whether the error is ignored. Note that exception detail strings may have more than one line. >>> run(argv=["nosetests", "-v", "--with-todo", misc_test], ... plugins=[TodoPlugin(), Skip(), Deprecated()]) ... # doctest: +REPORT_NDIFF errorclass_tests.test_todo ... TODO: fix me errorclass_tests.test_2 ... ok errorclass_tests.test_3 ... SKIP: skipety-skip errorclass_tests.test_4 ... SKIP errorclass_tests.test_5 ... DEPRECATED: spam eggs spam errorclass_tests.test_6 ... DEPRECATED: spam ====================================================================== TODO: errorclass_tests.test_todo ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): ... Todo: fix me ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in ...s FAILED (DEPRECATED=2, SKIP=2, TODO=1) Without -v, the exception detail strings are only displayed if the error is not ignored (otherwise, there's no traceback). >>> run(argv=["nosetests", "--with-todo", misc_test], ... plugins=[TodoPlugin(), Skip(), Deprecated()]) ... # doctest: +REPORT_NDIFF T.SSDD ====================================================================== TODO: errorclass_tests.test_todo ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): ... Todo: fix me ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 6 tests in ...s FAILED (DEPRECATED=2, SKIP=2, TODO=1) >>> sys.path.remove(support)