Using a Custom Selector ----------------------- By default, nose uses a `nose.selector.Selector` instance to decide what is and is not a test. The default selector is fairly simple: for the most part, if an object's name matches the ``testMatch`` regular expression defined in the active `nose.config.Config` instance, the object is selected as a test. This behavior is fine for new projects, but may be undesireable for older projects with a different test naming scheme. Fortunately, you can easily override this behavior by providing a custom selector using a plugin. >>> import os >>> support = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'support') In this example, the project to be tested consists of a module and package and associated tests, laid out like this:: >>> from nose.util import ls_tree >>> print ls_tree(support) |-- |-- mypackage | |-- | |-- | `-- math | |-- | `-- `-- tests |-- |-- math | `-- |-- mymodule | `-- `-- strings `-- Because the test modules do not include ``test`` in their names, nose's default selector is unable to discover this project's tests. .. Note :: The run() function in :mod:`nose.plugins.plugintest` reformats test result output to remove timings, which will vary from run to run, and redirects the output to stdout. >>> from nose.plugins.plugintest import run_buffered as run .. >>> argv = [__file__, '-v', support] >>> run(argv=argv) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 0 tests in ...s OK The tests for the example project follow a few basic conventions: * The are all located under the tests/ directory. * Test modules are organized into groups under directories named for the module or package they test. * testlib is *not* a test module, but it must be importable by the test modules. * Test modules contain unitest.TestCase classes that are tests, and may contain other functions or classes that are NOT tests, no matter how they are named. We can codify those conventions in a selector class. >>> from nose.selector import Selector >>> import unittest >>> class MySelector(Selector): ... def wantDirectory(self, dirname): ... # we want the tests directory and all directories ... # beneath it, and no others ... parts = dirname.split(os.path.sep) ... return 'tests' in parts ... def wantFile(self, filename): ... # we want python modules under tests/, except testlib ... parts = filename.split(os.path.sep) ... base, ext = os.path.splitext(parts[-1]) ... return 'tests' in parts and ext == '.py' and base != 'testlib' ... def wantModule(self, module): ... # wantDirectory and wantFile above will ensure that ... # we never see an unwanted module ... return True ... def wantFunction(self, function): ... # never collect functions ... return False ... def wantClass(self, cls): ... # only collect TestCase subclasses ... return issubclass(cls, unittest.TestCase) To use our selector class, we need a plugin that can inject it into the test loader. >>> from nose.plugins import Plugin >>> class UseMySelector(Plugin): ... enabled = True ... def configure(self, options, conf): ... pass # always on ... def prepareTestLoader(self, loader): ... loader.selector = MySelector(loader.config) Now we can execute a test run using the custom selector, and the project's tests will be collected. >>> run(argv=argv, plugins=[UseMySelector()]) test_add (basic.TestBasicMath) ... ok test_sub (basic.TestBasicMath) ... ok test_tuple_groups (my_function.MyFunction) ... ok test_cat (cat.StringsCat) ... ok ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 4 tests in ...s OK